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BrightHouse is dedicated to developing a community that is free from domestic and sexual violence. 

This starts with EDUCATION and increased AWARENESS. 

If we want to achieve this vision, we must start with the youth in our communities. BrightHouse advocates are available to speak to students of all ages about our work and about the importance of healthy relationships. We tailor each experience to the audience and utilize a number of tools to help engage individuals in a meaningful way. We believe there is power in prevention.


BrightHouse also provides presentations on abuse to adults such as: long-term care facilities, school staff, college students, etc. We want everyone to know about BrightHouse and how we can help. 


If you are interested in having a BrightHouse advocate speak to or work with your group, please send us an email at, or give us a call at 620.665.3630.

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